Public Enemy Number 1 - The Herpes Viruses as Causative Agents For Most Later-Life Diseases (part 1)
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This is the story of a life-form. A very small, tiny encapsulated bundle of DNA that can replicate by itself, with the help of a host - specifically, in this case, human beings. It is also the story of its siblings - a set of viruses called 'herpesviradae' - which together form a large family of viruses which infect humans and other animals.
This is also a personal story, which touches on the death of my mother in 1996, and on the lives of other friends and family, all of whom are in some way or another inextricably tied to this virus.
And this is a story of hope. The hope that as soon as this is published, people can start taking preventative measures, and active measures against a great many diseases.
If I am correct in my hypothesis - which I hope to shore up with as much direct data as possible, along with references to many medical research papers - then I hope to prove that all of the following diseases are in some way caused by the family of herpes viruses.
If this is the case - and I believe this to be true - then there are direct nutritional and pharmaceutical measures that can be taken to stave off the progress of these diseases. Hopefully this series of blog posts will help to focus the medical community, and lead to the creation of cures, treatments and preventative measures against all of these diseases.
The diseases and symptoms I will cover in this series of posts include:
- Alzheimer's Disease
- Type-II Diabetes
- High Cholesterol, including high HDL and high triglyceride levels
- Heart disease, including atherosclerosis (aka arteriosclerosis)
- Cancer of the gallbladder (cholangiocarcinoma)
- Colon cancer
- Crohn's disease
- Multiple sclerosis
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Arthritis
- Osteoporosis
- Multiple myeloma
- Glioblastoma multiforme
- Bipolar disorder
- Schizophrenia
- Hodkin's Disease
- Lymphoma
- Breast Cancer
- Kaposi's Sarcoma
There may also be other diseases for which I have not made this association yet.
I will also touch on:
- Parkinson's disease
- Prostate cancer
- both of which may be caused by other viruses, and as such are not as eminently treatable, but are similarly caused.
While I cannot prove a direct link between the virus and the symptomatic disease in all of these cases, I will be collecting enough papers together and also mechanisms of action that will provide enough evidence to show that we should be looking at the herpes viruses as the major causative agent (in combination with specific genetic variations) for these diseases.
When I have completed this series, I will collect the information together, remove most of the personal anecdotes, and attempt to publish in a medical journal. However, I believe that this information is important enough to publish in pieces while I put together the final paper.
The next post in this series will detail the changes in medical approaches to disease agents over the last 20 years or so, and my original hypothesis as to fungal, bacterial and viral agents being the underlying cause of non-juvenile cancers.
(If you are new to this series, you may want to read this post regarding the treatment of Alzheimer's with Etanercept, and how the mechanism of action may involve the herpes virus, and not simply be due to the action of TNF-alpha on synaptic function)
For some reason, Technorati isn't resyndicating this post. I'm trying to post it again to see what I can do on my end to fix it before I talk to their support people.